TrunkBBI is a Living Wage Employer

By Lindsay Jones


We are delighted to announce that TrunkBBI is now an accredited Living Wage Employer.

TrunkBBI has made an important commitment that supports its employees at a time when many workers nationally are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.

The Real Living Wage is higher than the government’s minimum, or National Living Wage, and is an independently calculated hourly rate of pay that is based on the actual cost of living. It is calculated according to the cost of living through pricing a basket of household goods and services, and provides a benchmark for employers that wish to ensure their staff earn a wage they can live on, which is more than the government minimum or ‘national living’ wage (currently £9.50).

Adam Britton, MD of TrunkBBI says, “We are really proud of this commitment to be a living wage employer, and our commitment applies to not only directly employed staff but also to our third party contracted staff. TrunkBBI has regularly paid more than the national living wage for our contracted staff, however, the impact of the current cost-of-living crisis has made it very clear that we needed to do more. Becoming a real living wage employer is a consequence of our firmly held values and a demonstration of our appreciation for our committed employees.”

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